Tel & Fax : 01354 653731 - Mail : [email protected]

Technical Facilities

Spray Bake Oven

2 Cellette Bracket Jigs

1 Cellette Measuring System

Wheel free car ramps

G.Y Spot BD LCX Spot Welder

GY mig/mag Aluminium Welder

Migatronic Mig Welder

Aro weld spot mig

Super tracker wheel alignment system

Dupont mixing system; Cromax and Centari

Glasurit mixing system; 90/22 line

Fully machine shop included, metal benders and guillotine

12 bay workshop

Red Care alarm system

Fully enclosed compound with off road parking and storage

Our own 7.5 tonne recovery vehicle, 3.5 tonne recovery vehicle

Fleet of 3 and 5 door courtesy cars